Preschool Program

A preschool program is offered at the four elementary schools in the Teays Valley School District. This program is for children with special needs. Although there are a few spots for regular education students, these spots fill up quickly.


The Early Childhood Special Education Program is child-centered and devoted to meeting each child’s unique needs. We strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which to foster each child’s cognitive, social, emotional and motor development.

We believe that children learn best through meaningful play. Learning is encouraged through selected play activities appropriate for each child’s age and development level. Skills are integrated across activities. Teachers serve as facilitators to guide children in interactions with the various learning opportunities. Activities are primarily child-oriented and child-directed.

Parent Involvement

As the most important people in a child’s life, parents are encouraged to participate in learning experiences. Classroom advisory boards, parent-teacher conferences, parent workshops and socials are ways in which the family and school work together to fulfill the partnership in which we so strongly believe.

Center Based Classrooms

Classrooms are divided into interest centers such as art, dramatic play, block building, manipulative, sensory and language. Materials and activities at each interest center are individualized for the children, Busy activities alternate with quiet time, and children also meet as a group with the teacher for planned activity. Self-help activities are also addressed. Through play and self-initiated learning, the children refine the motor, thinking and language skills necessary for success in school. Field trips, special programs and additional staff in the elementary building provide extra enrichment in music, art, computer literacy and physical education.


The three to five-year-old children served by the preschool reflect the makeup of the general population. This diversity helps to build a foundation of compassion and acceptance toward a variety of people. Included are:

  • Typical peers who operate at a level of most children their age

  • Children with development delays that may affect speech or communication, muscular coordination, hearing, sight development or social/behavioral development

Typical Peer Preschool Students

Preschool classes at Teays Valley are for children that have special needs and for children that are typically developing.  Our programs are designed to offer full inclusion and to meet the needs of all young learners, regardless of their ability levels.  Each preschool classroom has spots available for students that are typically developing.  Typical peer students must be four years old by August 1.  Transportation is offered on a limited basis, and there is a tuition fee of $125 per month.  If families are eligible for free/reduced lunch, then they are eligible for free/reduced preschool tuition.  Typical peer students must be completely toilet trained.  If you are interested in adding your child’s name to the list for the upcoming school year, please contact  the preschool coordinator Andi Ward Burrow, 983-5092.  Due to the high interest in our preschool program for typical students, a “lottery” system is sometimes used to select students for spots.  If needed, a wait list is developed.  


A state certified teacher and educational assistant lead each class. Children with special needs receive additional support from speech/language, occupational and physical therapists within the classroom setting. Specific goals are developed for each child by the team, and children may work individually or in groups. All children in the program benefit from interaction with the therapists as they work collaboratively with staff on overall program goals and objectives.

Class Sizes & Hours

Children attend half-day sessions, Monday-Thursday, which are 2.5 hours long. All classes have 16 students. Students are of mixed ages (3-5 years). The preschool follows the normal nine month school schedule, and regular holidays are observed. 


There is no fee for special needs children whose admission is determined by state and local criteria. Peers pay tuition - $125 per month.

Itinerant Services

Certified teachers are available to serve children with disabilities in the child’s familiar environment, whether that be Head Start, home or child care settings. Through play and individualized attention, the child’s goals are addressed individually or within a group


Registration is by appointment only. If you are concerned about your child’s development (ages 3-5) or if you are interested in more information about our typical peer spots (age 4 or 5), please contact the preschool coordinator Andi Ward Burrow at 740.983.5092. 


Preschool Coordinator
Andi Ward Burrow
Email Andi Ward Burrow

Ashville Elementary
Christy Rigsby
90 Walnut Street
Ashville, Ohio 43103
740.983.5000 ext. 3119
Email Christy Rigsby

Scioto Elementary
Lin Dawson (AM & PM) & Kayla Fowler (PM)
20 West Scioto Street
Commercial Point, Ohio 43116
740.983.5000 ext. 6101
Email Lin Dawson

S Bloomfield Elementary
Janelle Smith
194 Dowler Drive
South Bloomfield, Ohio 43103
740.983.5000 ext. 7131
Email Janelle Smith

Walnut Elementary
Brittany Kirby
7150 Ashville-Fairfield Road
Ashville, OH 43103
740.983.5000 ext. 6118
Email Brittany Kirby