Kindergarten Screening

Kindergarten Screening

All incoming kindergarten students must attend. While there, students will take part in academic, health and speech screenings. Students will also receive their Teays Valley Class of 2038 yard sign!

Date: June 2

Times: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. & 3-6 p.m.

Screenings will take 30 minutes.

Ashville & Walnut students are asked to show up for a screening time any time throughout the designated timeframe.

Scioto & S Bloomfield students are asked to sign up for a time slot. Use the links below to sign up.

Scioto Kindergarten Screening Sign Up Link

S Bloomfield Kindergarten Screening Sign Up Link

Kindergarten Registration
Families should register their incoming kindergarten student prior to the screening date. Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin on April 1, 2025. All kindergarten registrations will be done online. You can fill out the forms at
*Please note - DO NOT complete the forms on the online registration system prior to April 1, which is when they will go live for the upcoming school year.

Required Documents

  • Child's Birth Certificate or Passport - An original (or certified copy) of student's Birth certificate must be presented at registration.

  • Parent/Guardian Driver's License or State Issued ID Card - Must be presented at registration appointment for proof of identity.

  • Student's Immunization Records - Along with documentation from physician.

  • Proof of Residency -

    • Proof of Residency #1 (one of the following current documents below is needed) -

      Signed Closing Statement, Tax Statement, Mortgage Statement, Homeowners Insurance Statement, Signed Rental Agreement, Lot Rent Statement.

    • Proof of Residency #2 (one of the following current documents below is needed)

  • Current Utility Bill - Gas Statement, Electricity Statement, Water/Sewer, Cable