Get to know Scioto Elementary intervention specialist Kenny Smith!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Kenny Smith spotlight
Thanks to generous donations from Viking Nation to our annual Stuff the Bus food drive, we donated 1,000s of food items to the Ashville Food Pantry this morning! Thank you to the Teays Valley High School boys soccer team for helping to unload the bus!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Stuff the Bus
Check out the latest edition of "The Talk at Teays" podcast! Superintendent Wolfe and Assistant Superintendent Helser shared an update on the district's enrollment numbers and information about an upcoming community growth presentation. They also discussed the recent announcement that Walnut was named a National Blue Ribbon School and highlighted fall athletics and the Golden Sound! Podcast -
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
The Talk at Teays Pidcast
Get to know Scioto intervention specialist Kenny Smith!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Kenny Smith spotlight
Friday night was TV Educational Foundation night at Viking Stadium. The Foundation presented a check to the district committing to award $284,000 throughout the 2023-2024 school year in classroom grants and scholarships. We are grateful for this organization that does so much for our students and staff!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
TVEF check presentation
Please help us stock the shelves of the Ashville Food Pantry through our annual "Stuff the Bus" food drive! We will be collecting donations at all of the TV school offices until September 28. Donations can also be dropped off at the bus outside of the Homecoming football game on September 29. Lets make a difference for families in need in our district!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Stuff the Bus food drive
The TV Education Association is hosting a blood drive on October 5, from 11 am-5 pm at the TV fieldhouse. Please help us to fill all of the time slots by signing up at the link below! Thank you, Viking Nation!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Get to know Scioto Elementary 4th grade teacher Hannah Hiser!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Hannah Hiser spotlight
The Pickaway County ESC recognized staff members with a Golden Apple in honor of 30 years in education - (L-R) Terri Richards, Mike Meddock, Dianna Cookson, Jennifer Gregg and Amy Mailer. Congratulations to our staff members who were honored and thank you to them for their dedication to our students!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Golden Apple recipients
The Pickaway County ESC recognized staff members with a Golden Apple in honor of 30 years in education - (L-R) Terri Richards, Mike Meddock, Dianna Cookson, Jennifer Gregg and Amy Mailer. Congratulations to our staff members who were honored and thank you to them for their dedication to our students!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Golden Apple recipients
Our staff wrapped up Viking Academy today. This group of staff members took part in a bus tour around the district lead by Superintendent Kyle Wolfe. They got a glimpse into the many communities our buses travel each day and learned some interesting and fun facts about the district.
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Staff bus tour
Staff bus tour
Scioto Elementary 4th graders Ella and Maddie picked out some great books to share while they visited Victor.
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Victor Viking visit
Our staff members are back at it this morning on day 2 of Viking Academy! They are getting prepared for the upcoming school year!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Our staff members are busy taking part in professional development courses to prepare for the new school year…
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Our staff members are busy taking part in professional development courses to prepare for the new school year…
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
We kicked off the 8th annual Viking Academy this morning with a keynote speech from Margaret Searle. It’s great to see the auditorium packed with Viking staff members getting ready for the school year!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
Viking Academy
These elementary kiddos wrapped up their summer learning camps today with popsicles and zoo animals. What a great way to finish up their learning fun!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
These elementary kiddos wrapped up their summer learning camps today with popsicles and zoo animals. What a great way to finish up their learning fun!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
These elementary kiddos wrapped up their summer learning camps today with popsicles and zoo animals. What a great way to finish up their learning fun!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
These elementary kiddos wrapped up their summer learning camps today with popsicles and zoo animals. What a great way to finish up their learning fun!
over 1 year ago, Teays Valley Local School District
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp
summer learning camp